Saturday, August 23, 2008

Drop Me in the Water

Frieda Drinks

There's been a lot of Knitting, Rock Shows, and Baseball on this blog this summer, but not nearly enough Miniature Dachshund. Here's Frieda enjoying a drink at the off-leash dog park this morning. Gretel won't drink out of the faucet, but she does like to keep a close eye on things.

Drop Me in the Water: "Take Me to the River" by the Rev. Al Green and Teenie Hodges (but I really know the Talking Heads version better).


Rhonda said...

Yes, more Miniature Dachshunds, please. They are so cute.

It took awhile for my dog to figure out the water bowl thing at the dog park.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful! Finally some doggy pictures. Dachshunds Rule!
