Thursday, October 09, 2008

'Cause I Didn't Think This Would Happen Again

Liz Phair, Showbox 10/7/2008

I saw Liz Phair this week, performing all of the songs from her 1993 album "Exile in Guyville". The show was great--this is the kind of album that even after 15 years reminds me what my life was like then, when I was young, and struggling to pay off my first set of student loans, and going out five nights a week (but leaving the shows early to catch the T, because I couldn't pay for a taxi). I think that the last time I saw her was in '93 or '94, but I remember very little about that first show so I could just be imagining it. It would have been in Boston, at a club called Axis, and it may have been part of a massive radio-sponsored block party. I can see Liz Phair, who was at that time noted for having stage fright, being very nervous on stage. I don't know if I'm remembering the right show, I really don't. Corroborating evidence, anyone?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

She's still hot! ...and would probably eat me alive...

93' I'm cloistered in boarding school listening to Pearl Jam "10" Nirvana "Nevermind" and Led Zepelin whilst geeking out... So I can't back you up on this one.