Monday, January 21, 2008

1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Day Weekend


More like a three day weekend that feels like a half-day weekend . . . a weekend spent working (and not enough done), waiting for a jump-start, waiting for a new battery, new brakes, and wanting to work on projects that haven't managed to get off the ground. On the plus side, I walked almost four miles while waiting for the car repairs, firmed up some plans for my trip in May, and hit a couple of great fabric sales, as evidenced above. Apparently, I really like grays and blacks right now, excellent colors for winter even though I may not have time to sew again until spring. The knitting progress I've made has also been in this arena--I returned to an old, black stockinette friend, which is about all the skill I have right now. I haven't worked on it since July, and it felt like a good project to pick up again.

1 comment:

Funky Mama said...

I really enjoy reading your blog. You deserve a You Make My Day Award: