Thursday, December 07, 2006

Swatch It Out!

On Tuesday evening, I took a great class with Leigh Radford at Hilltop Yarn, based on the creativity exercises in her great book Alterknits. I wasn't really sure what it was going to be like, or if I'd like it, but it was really cool. Leigh brought lots of projects with her and talked about the design process, and how one idea leads to another. Then we did some experimenting by knitting with unusual materials--the purple swatch above is wide tulle stripes, and I knit another (not pictured) swatch with needles made from long nails. There were a couple of other exercises, the top swatch was about swatching with different colors. Once I wrap up some of this holiday knitting (assuming I ever do!), I'd like to try more of these color swatches. And I'd like to get my grubby paws on some of her new Silk Gelato, it's pricey but really really cool--one of the samples Leigh brought with her was the Cable Clutch, and I'd love to make it. I suppose I could cut and tie my own silk fabric, but it would take a lot of time--time I'd rather spend knitting.

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