Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Skirting the Issue


It's hot this week in the Pacific Northwest, at least by Seattle standards. I know, I know, we don't get super high temps, or bad humidity, or those flying cockroaches that they have in other parts of the country. But it's still hot enough to want new cotton skirts! I finished the skirt above today, it's the "Cute Skirts" pattern from Favorite Things. It's a really good pattern. There are only three pattern pieces for this version, and it only takes a couple of hours to make. I've also made the flounced version twice, and I've got plans to make at least one or two more of these for the summer. Maybe the summer of 2008?

Happy 4th of July! I live very close to about 20 reservation fireworks stands--Frieda's been hiding under the bed after dark for the last week. Frieda and I are going to escape the neighborhood for a few hours for a BBQ, but we'll try to get back before the neighborhoods goes crazy!


Anonymous said...

Great skirt! Happy 4th to you!

Laura said...

I love it! Let me know when you're wearing it to work and I'll make sure to be in your bldg!

Anonymous said...

Love the skirt!