Sunday, April 11, 2010

I Don't Think That Frieda Understands My Art

Frieda about to roll dangerously close to a finished knitted item.

The un-Spring-y project I crammed into my bag at the last minute before leaving for Spring Training is done! It's the sparkly, Dream In Color Starry black Damson that I started last summer, but put aside at some point for some unknown reason. It turned out to be a great travel project, because it didn't require a lot of attention--easy to work on a few minutes at a time, easy to work on while exhausted from travelling & baseball. Now that it's spring, I'm not sure whether I'll have a chance to wear this anytime soon. And if I don't use it myself before next winter, it seems fairly likely that it will end up being an emergency holiday gift--which is fine, since I can always make another one!

Here's a dog free photo, taken in Chez E____ last weekend:


1 comment:

AllyB said...

You shawl is beautiful and you should get an extra gold star for doing it in such a dark color.