Thursday, November 30, 2006
Fancy this hat!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Monday, November 27, 2006
45 Minutes I'll Never Get Back
it took 45 minutes to drive less than a half mile from my house this morning. At that point, after working on The Olive Garden Scarf for much of that time:
I turned around and worked from home for the morning. Seriously--the only snow in sight was on the hood of my car, and there were no signs of an accident in the limited ground I covered. Can't wait for tomorrow's commute, after more (but still not very much) snow and an overnight freeze.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Chutney, Mincemeat, Shedir

This weekend I worked a couple of inches on Shedir, and am a few rows into the decreasing section. I love the way the cables transform from the repeating braided cables into the star-like top cable, and I'm looking forward to seeing this happen as I get further along. I took out one repeat of the braided cable so that it wouldn't come down so far over the forehead (and so I could move

At last, the war is over

This weekend I also worked on Shedir and on the Olive Garden Scarf, which is now about 40 inches long. I also started a new X-mas gift project that can't be fully revealed at this time. Sneak preview to the right--the yarn is Lorna's Laces Shepherd Worsted, the same 100% merino superwash used to knit the original two socks at once. The colorway is called, not surprisingly, "Rainbow". I looooooove the feel of this yarn. I took the project from Holiday Knits, can you guess what it is? Maybe a Rainbow wig for E____ G_____? Or a Rainbow clown collar for R_____ C_____? Perhaps a hippie halter top for A______ M______? Only time will tell.

Thursday, November 23, 2006
Meathead Complete
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
As mom works on the holiday meal, I've been entertaining the dogs, cleaning up the living room, and working on a few projects. I decided to embellish my Meathead with a fabric yo-yo and a vintage anchor button that I found out in the sewing room. It's so nice to finish something, although I genuinely wish that it was the final pair of Sock Wars Socks that was done. Once Laura's socks are done, then I can go back to Shedir, or to the Olive Garden Scarf, which has developed a very distressing tangle in the ball of plum mohair.
Here's a close up of the meathead embellishment:
I love the anchor button. This pattern was so easy and fast that I may make another one, in the smaller size. This one fits me fine, but if I make one for someone with a normal sized head the small is probably fine.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Dormant Work in Progress - Blue Rib Scarf
This is a scarf I started last spring after taking the Knitting Faster class at Hilltop Yarn, in order to practice my new combination knitting skills. I used 3 skeins of Debbie Bliss Cashmerino Super Chunky, and size 11 needles, and just knit all K2 P2 forever. I finished the knitting around Memorial Day weekend, but I haven't seen it in months. All I need to do is to weave in the ends, and it will be done, although I might block it to make it wider and to show the rib pattern. I think that I should put this on my list to finish one my final pair of Sock Wars socks are finished, there is so little work left to it!

Sunday, November 19, 2006
New Knitalong Project, Plus a Sock Update

Money Makin'
Also, last night I watched the UFC championship with some friends. Normally, I'm not a huge fan of fighting. I think I'm still not a huge fan of fighting, but this was fun--there were some UFC fans in the room who added a lot of context / color commentary. But I couldn't quite knit through it, must make up time today!
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Sock Wars - Target #4

I started my third new pair of Socks Wars death socks last night. The idea behind Sock Wars was that each person would buy yarn and start one pair of socks, and pass them along to their assassin once killed. That's not even close to how it has turned out and it's incredibly irritating. This is the third pair I've had to start from scratch, and since I don't have very much non-earmarked yarn on hand, I've had to buy all of the yarn I've used. Of course, my new target recently started her fourth new pair using her own yarn, so at least I'm not alone. Maybe you CAN'T believe everything you read in the internet. I'll try to look it up on this google I keep hearing about, and see if that tells me anything.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
All About Sunday

Since I now have an embarrassingly high number of active knitting projects, I made a little bag to hold onto one of them. The featured fabric is little goldfish, paired with orange polka dots. It clashes horribly with all of the projects I am currently working on, but it will be easy to find in my bag. The dots and fish match surprisingly well on the edges, considering that I used French seams where the patterns meet and on the bottom. Bags this size are very handy, maybe I'll make a few more soon. After all the time I've spent knitting, it seems strange to finish a complete project in 30 minutes.


- Felt finger puppets - these did very well the first year, but that was because one lady bought all of them. She was a blip in the demand profile for this item--the next year, maybe one or two sold.
- Packets of multi-colored crayons - a typical "fill the table" item, these were packets of crayons molded from pieces of other crayons. Thanks, Martha Stewart--these went nowhere.
- Hairclips and magnets made with felt flowers. I looove these felt flower items, they are an old standby. Who cares if it's a little weird to put googley eyes on flowers? Googley eyes are what gives them character, and they are the greatest craft invention ever.
- Clown cakes - these are small cakes decorated with frosting and fondant to look like clowns. They are both delicious and cute, and were a BIG hit at E___ & S___'s wedding. Not a single cake sold--I could not believe it. Look at hat, and the blue hair, and don't forget the googley eyes! I do not recommend perishables for the bazaar--who needs a half dozen clown cakes??

Thirteen Christmas themed tissue covers . I like the candy canes and the red polka-dots the best. All of the fabric came from my stash, except for the red and white striped fabric, which was $2 per yard on the clearance rack at Jo-Ann fabrics.

Fourteen year-round fabrics. These are mostly scraps from different projects. The bowling pins are from a work function, where I used this as prize wrapping. The sagey-goldy fabric is leftover from a bag, the yellow floral is leftover from J_____ C______'s baby quilt.

Here's a photo of my favorite, in use. Since the odds are low that these will all sell, I will keep this one for myself. The total project cash outlay was very small (the big expense will be the tissues), so any selling is almost pure profit! I could make as much as $10 or $20 on these babies!
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Dormant Work in Progress - Pink Footies

This project is part of my knit-early-for-Christmas plan. These are the cabled footies from One Skein, knit in Cascade Quatro worsted weight yarn. The needles are size 7, I believe. The pink is brighter and more obnoxious in person! I started these this summer, and then put them aside when I started knitting some full sized socks. Or maybe when I started knitting the Noni bag? I don't really remember. I knit a pair of these in orange, and they turned out well, although I had to slightly machine felt them because they were a little large--no swatching, of course. They are meant to be slipper-like, so felting is fine. The pattern is easy to follow although now I'd like to knit two at once. Two at once! Two at once! Without the orange pair, I probably wouldn't have signed up for Sock Wars, as they were my first complete pair of socks.
The plan is still to wrap these up before Christmas, but even thinking about Christmas is starting to make me panic. Panic! I can't believe that it's November already.
There's a lot to do between now and the end of the year, including:

- Make something to sell at mom's church bazaar next weekend
- Formulate holiday card plan (must make up for lack of Halloween cards)
- Execute holiday card plan
- Finish all other projects
- Finish (after starting) baby quilts for the three or four babies born over the summer that have not yet received any gifts from me
O.K., making that list didn't really make me feel any better. Maybe actually working on one of these projects, instead of make a list, is a better strategy for now.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
New Project #2: Shedir
I started this hat last week, after seeing Brooklyn Tweed's version here. I was having trouble focusing on Print O' The Wave, and I already had the Rowan Calmer yarn for this. The pattern is Shedir from Knitty's 2004 Fall Surprise issue,and it's a beautiful cable pattern. More about how Jenna Wilson came up with the pattern is available here, it's an interesting look into the design process. I don't remember why I have two balls of Calmer, but I know that one of them was ripped apart by Frieda, and painstakingly rewound by my mom. I plan to shorten this up a little, so hopefully I'll only need the ball I've already started--because I don't exactly know where the other one is!
New Project #1: Olive Garden Scarf

Tricoter carries a very nice selection of yarns and feels very fashion-oriented--it feels a little more high-end than many of the other stores I frequent, possibly because it's in a high-end neighborhood, and possibly because the prices seem a little high for a girl from South King County. The women in the store were both friendly and helpful, and I even ended up special ordering the long-sought-after handles for the Noni Carpet Bag that has been on ice since August. I've been looking for the handles whenever I'm in a yarn shop, but this is the first place that I've seen the size and shape that I want.

Last Halloween Posting
The Socks are in the Mail
The socks have actually been in the mail for almost a week, but I haven't had a chance to post--Blogger has been a little touchy. Speaking of which, I just noticed that all of the standard text on my templates is now auf Deutsch, not just the dates. Suck it up, people, I know you can figure out how to check my profile if you're interested.
The schmancy label for this pair of socks is definitely a rip off of the last label I made, and I'll probably use it again. A dead person a few people down the chain is sending me her Socks in Progress, but it would violate the rules (if there are still rules) to start them before Dibbus is actually dead. I've been trying to contact my assassin and a person further up the chain to see whether or not my death is imminent, but I haven't heard anything, so who knows? I made it to the top 15%, I'm pretty much ready to be taken out.